Prabhy Sodhi Tells Risk Factors of Dementia that Cannot be Changed

Prabhy Sodhi

A dementia care specialist is beneficial for those who are suffering with dementia. Dementia is a condition where a person’s mind is not stable and they indulge in doing some practices which are uncontrollable and unbearable by their loved ones. 

Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi or Prabhy Sodhi is a renowned dementia care specialist in the United Kingdom. He is a popular specialist and a former director at Abbey Healthcare. He is also known as Prabhi Sodhi, Praby Sodhi and Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi with love. 

There are several factors that can lead to the risk of dementia. It is surprising that some of these can’t be changed. According to Prabhy Sodhi, risk factors can increase the chances of this disorder. But when they are beyond changing, individuals should be more careful. This dementia specialist considers it important to be aware of these as well as how they can cause this condition. Information relating to their signs should also be paid attention to. While the factors may not be changed, people can make wise decisions such as opting for timely diagnosis and medical help.

Prabhy Sodhi Tells What are the Unchangeable Risk Factors of Dementia?

Some risk factors associated with dementia cannot be altered. Hence, it becomes more vital to identify them. 3 of these include a person’s age, his/her family’s history, and genetics. There are various aspects linked to these. As Pabhy Sodhi believes, going through these can help in understanding how this disorder is caused.

1. Genes and their Variants

As is commonly known, DNA comprises genes. Their variants can be found in different people. 2 main types can be used to identify these:

  • Single
  • Multiple or complex

Both can be responsible for certain diseases but in varying ways. 

How is Dementia Caused by Genes?

Single and multiple genes can result in different health challenges. When dementia is a concern, complex elements can be involved. The specialist, Mr. Sodhi, puts forth that these genes may not directly cause the said disorder. However, they can lead to the development of diseases which can, in turn, cause dementia.

  • It has been found that certain genes can be responsible for specific disorders.
  • Nearly 20 of these, such as apolipoprotein E or APOE are responsible for Alzheimer’s.
  • Single types of genes may also develop this condition but this would be rare.

Genetic Assessment of this Disorder

Even though genes are unchangeable factors, Prabhy Sodhi believes that the associated risks can be assessed. Through genetic testing, this is possible in one way. This can induce the hope of early treatment which may help in the management of the condition.

2. The Age of a Person

Aging is a natural process. It can lead to the development of various changes. Sometimes, conditions like dementia can also develop. Given that this factor results in reduced cognition, the chances of experiencing this condition can be more, explains Mr. Sodhi.

Signs of this Disorder due to Aging

Specialists believe that aging may not always lead to dementia. Certain changes can take place but it is important to identify whether or not they are signs of this disorder.

The situation can be alarming when the following are observed:

Physical ChangesMental Changes
Inability to balanceConfusion
Difficulty with audio/visualsFeeling lost
Struggling with regular tasksLosing memory
Stiffness of musclesDifficulty in understanding
Sitting/standing difficultiesLanguage problems

3. An Overview of Familial History

As per Prabhy Sodhi, an individual’s family history is the third risk factor that cannot be changed. Sometimes, dementia may be inherited. But this may not always be the case. According to Mr. Sodhi, this factor can introduce certain risks. However, it may not lead to this disorder at all times.

  • Those who have a history of disorders in their family should remain cautious. 
  • Over time, when they notice changes that can be symptoms of dementia, they should get medical help.
  • Sometimes, genetic tests may also help in this regard.

Controlling the Risks from these Factors

It may not be possible to alter factors like age and genes that can lead to dementia. However, identifying them is still helpful. For Mr. Sodhi, these factors can indicate whether the risks of getting this disorder are high or low. 

Accordingly, individuals should apply measures to control these risks as much as possible. In this regard, doctors and dementia specialists can also help.


The concern can be great when the risk factors of dementia are unchangeable. But they should not prevent a person from accessing medical assistance. Not only this, their knowledge can encourage an individual to apply suitable measures to control these factors when possible. Even if the disorder is diagnosed, on-time treatment should be beneficial.

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